
Today's poetry for today's world



To buy Catching the Limit,

click the cover.

Dear Readers,


Thanks for visiting poetry.us.com.  This anthology is growing all the time, so please check back often.  The poets featured here have picked their most popular poems, or their poems that are their favorites.  Not only do you get to read some excellent poetry, but there is a photo and short bio of every poet, and at the bottom of each page the poet has made a comment on their own work or given a writer's tip.  I hope you enjoy reading these selections as much as I have editing them for you.




Mark Thalman

Editor, poetry.us.com










Mark Thalman's book Catching the Limit is published by Fairweather Books (2009) and is part of their Northwest Poetry Series.  Thalman's poetry has been widely published for almost four decades.  His poems have appeared in Carolina Quarterly, CutBank, Many Mountains Moving, Pedestal Magazine, and Verse Daily, among others.  He received his MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Oregon, and he teaches English in the public schools.  For more information, please visit markthalman.com.   





Contact: editor@poetry.us.com