for William Parker
At The Painting Center on Green Street surrounded by Ying Li’s paintings,
oil and acrylic on canvas, of rivers and mountains and sky, fields in the distance
and apple trees—all only vaguely there in these thickly painted, abstract and
intense, splashes of color exploding off the canvas, emotion laden strokes
of the brush growing out of her life with Chinese calligraphy—all here on these
canvases, this so-called Western, so-called European art.
The New Chao Chow Restaurant on Mott a block above Canal:
Water Cress in Bean Curd sauce
Steamed Whole Founder smothered in shredded scallions and ginger
Seafood Hot Pot
And for desert a turn around the corner to the Italian bakery on Mulberry,
the one right next to The Luna. Then out again and walkin', eatin’ cannolis
on Canal Street headed for the Q train.
On the balcony overlooking the Rotunda at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
a display of pottery showing how the ancient Chinese and Persian Empires
(Iran and Iraq) influenced each other, how Buddhist, Taoist, and Muslim potters
traded back and forth ideas for glazes, colors, designs, shapes for their vessels—
all this back and forth on The Silk Road and Steppe Routes thousands of years ago.
Who told us Europe discovered the world?
155th Street and Frederick Douglas Boulevard, Charles’s Southern Cooking:
Collard Greens
Fried Chicken
Spare Ribs in Barbecue Sauce
Collard Greens
Macaroni and Cheese
Chicken in Barbecue Sauce
Collard Greens
Corn Bread
Collard Greens
and your choice of Lemonade or sweet Iced Tea.
There are shards of 12th Century Chinese celadon pottery on the beaches of
east Africa. The Chinese were there with whole armies and horses, gobs
of stuff centuries before the European colonizers ever dreamed of going there.
Who told us Europe discovered the world?
Polyglot Gumbo Masala Stew
Hybrids Bastards Mutts All of us.
All sloshed together. Ain’t it grand?
And here I am this old white guy all decked out in my
yellow, orange, red, black, blue and white dashiki
and my blue and gold African mirror hat playing
Japanese bamboo flute and ropes of bells from India
and a gong from Tibet, with these far-out, crazy
jazz musicians what come in how many different
shades of flesh and nationality, and me right here
on the Lower East Side in New York City reading my
cracker, woodchuck, honky, ofay, green mountain,
ersatz, Chinese, wilderness poetry.
first published in Happy Life, Copper Canyon Press, 2011